I'm a system and computational neuroscientist. I started my scientific journey with Physics, and after my undergrad in Physics I continued with neuroscience. I did my PhD in Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, in Logothetis lab and a short post-doc in Peter Dayan's lab. I recently started my group, Computational Machinery of Cognition (CMC) lab.

Recent news

New preprint!

Our second paper with Peter Dayan on a decision-theoretic approach to perceptual multistability is now available as a preprint.

New paper published in PNAS!

Our brief and sweet results on "signatures of criticality in efficient coding networks" is now published in PNAS. We showed that that optimizing a network for doing a certain computation, can also lead to one of the ubiquitous aspects of neural dynamics (and the sub-optimal computations lack of it).

William James Prize

I am honored to be selected for the 21st William James Prize for Contributions to the Study of Consciousness, for our paper with Peter Dayan on "Multistability, perceptual value, and internal foraging".

Recent blogs