CMC lab Computational Machinery of Cognition

We are always excited about having new team members and new ideas!

Check lab’s mentorship philosophy to get to know us better.

What you want to know?

Joining us

If you are interested in one of our open positions please proceed as instructed in the call; If you you interested in our research and would like to receive the open calls (for internship, master, PhD, and postdoc), please sign up with this form. Please fill out this form at least with your name and email to get the future announcements. We will use project/call-specifc forms in the future, however, if you want, please feel free to fill the optional fields as well.

If you want to join the lab but there is no opening at the moment, or you are interested in our research but not on the listed projects, or/and you have ideas and want to join the lab to realize it, please use this form, and we’ll get back to you.

Forms provided in this page are more reliable than emails, and we try our best to process them as quick as possible, but if you we didn’t get back to you within 4 weeks or so, please feel comfortable sending us a reminder (applications at cmclab dot org).

Open positions

PhD position

Neural events

We have an opening for a PhD student for analysis of neural events. Please check here for more details on theme of the research question, and here for the official advertisement.

Short-term projects (MSc, BCs thesis, rotation, internship)

There are multiple possibilities for short-term project (e.g., MSc, BCs thesis, rotation, internship, etc) in the lab.

We try to maintain an updated list of potential short-term projects. If you are interested please send an email to

If you are interested please fill this form, and type in the corresponding project code. If you need further information about the project please get in touch with the contact person, otherwise filling the application form is enough and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

We also regularly announce potential short-term project (e.g., master thesis) for people who expressed interest through our CMC interest form. If you are interested you can sign up there.

Support for fellowship applications

If you are interested to join our lab (e.g., as a post-doc), we’d be happy to support you to apply for fellowships, such DFG Benjamin Walter , Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, DAAD, and others. Please get in touch with Shervin Safavi.